Core Google Algorithm Update June 2021

Core Google Algorithm Update June 2021

SEO Perth Experts report today that a Core Google Algorithm is upon us! Anyone who works in SEO or who runs a business that relies on its website ranking well on the search engines, should be aware that Google is in the process of releasing a core update. In truth, it is one update which is being released in two parts, due to the large number of changes that it includes, and as a result of some of the changes not being fully ready for release in June. When choosing an SEO agency to work with, it’s important to review the SEO case studies of former clients, as these can provide valuable insights into the agency’s ability to adapt to major updates like this and maintain strong rankings over time.

The first part is the Core Google Algorithm Update June 2021. You will not be surprised to know that part #2 will be the Core Google Algorithm Update July 2021 which no doubt will have many SEO veterans thinking that it was easier to remember animal and bird names when Google used them to identify its updates.

However, the words Panda and Penguin will also strike dread into many who remember the consternation these and other updates caused. They usually had a drastic effect on the rankings of many websites, as at the time Google sought to downgrade the rankings of websites that were low on quality and content.

As for this June update, the initial feedback has not included screams of panic across the SEO world, and the general consensus has been one of wait and see. The reason is that as this update is being released in two parts, anything which changes with regards to a particular website’s or web page’s rankings due to part #1 may well be reversed when part #2 is released.

That is not to say that there is not data available that gives us some sense of the impact of this core update. First, it does seem to be targeting any specific type of website or websites within a particular category although it has affected some more than others. This is further evidenced by the fact that it is a global update and thus it applies to websites in every language and on all continents.

With the update being released on June 2nd, 2021, the first indications of any changes were identified on June 4th and 5th. The volatility in rankings seemed similar for desktop and mobile search rankings, with mobile slightly more so, but not by much.

After a few days, the volatility in rankings seemed to be affecting 5 specific sectors more than others. These sectors were Health, Auto/Vehicles, Pets/Animals, Science, and Travel. This applied to both mobile and desktop rankings. In addition, mobile searches seen rankings for real estate, people & society, and beauty & fitness, fluctuate at similar levels.

The top 3 winners with respect to seeing rankings improve are food & drink, law & government, and internet & telecom. As for the 3 sectors which have seen ranking drop the most, these are jobs & education, business & industrial, and bizarrely, food & drink. This means that the food & drink sector had the highest number of winners, but also the highest number of losers

As for the data relating to SERPs with regards to the size of a website, it is clear that the majority of websites most impacted are smaller websites with traffic numbers below 500 thousand visitors per month. This accounts for 65% of websites that saw a drop in their rankings and 58% of those which saw a rise in their rankings.

In summary, whilst we can draw some conclusions from the initial data, as this update is in two parts, it is difficult to make any concrete recommendations other than to not take any drastic action, even if you have seen your rankings affected. The full effects of this update will only be confirmed once the July update is released, and only then is it the right time to assess its impact and act accordingly.